I'm currently reading the collection of Maximus the Confessor's writings, On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ. As this is my first foray into Maximus, I'm wondering if any of you who may happen upon this post know of any top notch secondary sources that will help to place Maximus into his theological/historical/political environment.
As for secondary resources, I'm reading Hans Urs von Balthasar's The Cosmic Liturgy: the Universe According to Maximus the Confessor, Andrew Louth's Maximus the Confessor, and Meyendorff's Christ in Eastern Christian Thought (esp. chp. 7). I also know of Thunberg's work and will eventually look at it. I'm also open to French language sources. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. As well, if any of you know any good patristic theology blogs, pass them along. Thanks.